There are six weeks during the regular (dual meet) summer swim season, and every week the coaches choose one boy and one girl in each age group to recognize for their hard work and good attitude in practice, for being a good teammate, and for showing good sportsmanship in the meet. We strive to avoid no repeat winners, and a requirement is that the swimmer attend the meet that week.
2018 Swimmers of the Week
- Week 1: Claire Robinson and Per Petersson (mites), Betsy Spalding and Thomas Jebo (midgets), Madeleine Cullop and Bjorn Petersson (juniors), Morgan Stoudt and Roger Hart (intermediates), Frances Melvin and Colter Lanois (seniors)
- Week 2: Carter Torrence and Nash Millner (mites), Cameron Schwartz and Henry Hanna (midgets), Elise Gresham and Turner Phaup (juniors), Ella Davis and Ben Coker (intermediates), Jackie Milley and Logan Cohn (seniors)
- Week 3: Mary-Michael Hardy and Tony Haynes (mites), Electra Cimino and Hayes Burnside (midgets), Anne Claire Hart and Aidan Cassidy (juniors), Maddie Cassidy and Hayden Schwartz (intermediates), Maddie Andrews and Will Coker (seniors)
- Week 4: Mary Claire Friday and Jack Danahy (mites), Claire Brown and Reid Winters (midgets), Stella Fredrick and Sven Komorowski (juniors), Camilla Burnside and William Kurz (intermediates), Lucie Speck and Bridger Thurston (seniors)
- Week 5: Madeline Crook and Kyle Schwartz (mites), Ellery Ayers and Linos Grice (midgets), Grace Sutten and Floyd Jones (juniors), Grace Phaup and Madoc Winters (intermediates), Kristine and Ariel Ogden and Weston Williams (seniors)
- Week 6: Anne Budwell and Christian Hudson (mites), Caitlin Corby and Abram Schrinel (midgets), Aubrey Cuevas and Miles Prusek (juniors), Ann Haden Payne and Christian Sleman (intermediates), Caroline Boykin and Matthew Burnside (seniors)
[expand title=”2017 Swimmers of the Week”]
- Week 1: Mary Claire Friday and Nat Kreutzer (mites), Vivian Norton and Paul Sundberg (midgets), Isabella Grice and Hayden Schwartz (juniors), Maddie Cassidy and Logan Cohn (intermediates), Jackie Milley and Will Coker (seniors)
- Week 2: Sofia Moore and Thomas Jebo (mites), Lily Roberts and Sven Komorowski (midgets), Ella Davis and Bjorn Petersson (juniors), Camilla Burnside and Roger Hart (intermediates), Taylor Biltz and Charlie Pilc (seniors)
- Week 3: Olivia Fredrick and Linos Grice (mites), Cameron Schwartz and Andy Hingst (midgets), Eliza Sundberg and Davis Guise (juniors), Grace Phaup and Weston Williams (intermediates), Frances Melvin and Bridger Thurston (seniors).
- Week 4: Ellery Ayers and Abram Schrinel (mites), Natalie Stoudt and Stephen Cimino (midgets), Ellie Torrence and Ben Coker (juniors), Lucie Speck and Colter Lanois (intermediates), Carter Payne and Henry Prideaux (seniors).
- Week 5: Claire Brown and Per Petersson (mites), Madeleine Cullop and Aiden Cassidy (midgets), Morgan Stoudt, Grace Sutten, and Tommy Roberts (juniors), Sam Harless (intermediates), Kate Farmer and Ian Stevenson (seniors).
- Week 6: Caitlin Corby and Tristan Litzenburg (mites), Aubrey Cuevas and Hayes Burnside (midgets), Alyssa Mason-Roth and Christian Sleman (juniors), Susan Pilc and Jack Davis (intermediates), Emily Pilc and James Fraser (seniors).
[expand title=”2016 Swimmers of the Week”]
- Week 1: Keegan Southall and Linos Grice (mites), Georgia Wilson and Nate Winters (midgets), Maddie Cassidy and Hayden Schwartz (juniors), Talor Biltz and Logan Cohn (intermediates), Jackie Milley and Casey Fenster (seniors)
- Week 2: Kyra Evans and Owen Prusek (mites), Alka Link and Bjorn Petersson (midgets), Ella Davis and Davis Guise (juniors), Carter Payner and Rowan Link (intermediates), Emily Pilc and Ian Fraser (seniors)
- Week 3: Ellery Ayers and Reid Winters (mites), Trista Walton and Aidan Cassidy (midgets), Isabella Grice and Roger Hart (juniors), Maddie Andrews and Henry Prideaux (intermediates), Zoe Trenz and Charlie Prideaux (seniors)
- Week 4: Electra Cimino and Thomas Kreutzer (mites), Madison Bradshaw and Matthew Guise (midgets), Eliza Sundberg and Madoc Winters (juniors), Kate Farmer and Tristan Frantz (intermediates), Alexis Biltz and Charlie Prideaux (seniors).
- Week 5: Lily Roberts and Bennett Friday (mites), Madeleine Cullop and Mason Shepherd (midgets), Morgan Stoudt and Tommy Roberts (juniors), Lucie Speck and Weston Williams (intermediates), Frances Melvin and Mitchell Green (seniors).
- Week 6: Molly Sleman and Reed Jones (mites), Elise Gresham and Floyd Jones (midgets), Camilla Burnside and Ben Coker (juniors), Taylor Biltz and Jack Davis (intermediates), Claire Weidhaas and James Fraser (seniors).
[expand title=”2015 Swimmers of the Week”]
- Week 1: Stella Fredrick and Paul Sundberg (mites), Ellie Grace Robinson and Christian Sleman (midgets), Maddie Cassidy and Jack Davis (juniors), Lilly Hetrick and Henry Prideaux (intermediates), Frances Melvin and Ian Fraser (seniors).
- Week 2: Natalie Stoudt and Reid Winters (mites), Kayla Robertson and Davis Guise (midgets), Devon Jebo and Logan Cohn (intermediates), Taylor Biltz and Jeffrey Green (intermediates), Emily Pilc and Colin Fenster (seniors).
- Week 3: Riley Torrence and Briggs Robinson (mites), Ellie Torrence and Ben Coker (midgets), Lucie Speck and Madoc Winters (juniors), Maddie Andrews and Charlie Pilc (intermediates), Claire Weidhaas and James Fraser (seniors).
- Week 4: Vivian Norton and Aidan Cassidy (mites), Elise Gresham and Hayden Schwartz (midgets), Susan Pilc and Alex Edwards (juniors), Christine Ogden and Ian Townsend (intermediates), Zoe Trenz and Charles Given (seniors).
- Week 5: Molly Sleman and William Sutten (mites), Isabella Grice and Floyd Jones (midgets), Katie Raines and Jackson Oliver (juniors), Mary Claire Abbott and Tristan Frantz (intermediates), Schuyler Biltz and Mitchell Green (seniors).
- Week 6: Madeleine Cullop and Owen Prusek (mites), Morgan Stoudt and Josh Vandergrift (midgets), Grace Phaup and Will Coker (juniors), Ariel Ogden and Will Coker (intermediates), Geneva Weidhaas and Ian Stevenson (seniors).