Pre-team guide

Goal: Pre-teamers consist of kids who are new to competitive swimming and cannot handle regular practices. The goal of pre-team is to introduce a child to competitive swimming and possibly to serve as a bridge to joining the regular team the following season.

Practice schedule: 11-11:30am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from June 18th-July 20th.

Swim meets: The last two meets of the season – Monday, July 9th at Ridgetop (home) against CCV, and Monday, July 16th at Avalon.

What to expect: Typically two of the four coaches will coach pre-team by getting in the water with the swimmers. In addition to swimming laps, the swimmers learn basics of streamlining, diving, backstroke starts, and what to expect at swim meets.

Criteria: To participate on the pre-team, children must be able to swim one length of the pool (25 meters) of freestyle and backstroke without assistance. The coaches will determine if a child meets this criteria at the first pre-team practice of the regular season (June 18th). If you might want to see if regular team would be a better fit, please bring your child to be pre-screened on Monday, May 21st during the 3:30-4:15 time slot. Please contact the coaches if you have more questions.

Keep in mind that we let swimmers onto the regular team without ever having participated in pre-team.

Volunteering: Pre-team parents are not required to volunteer at the swim meets, although we would welcome volunteers if you are willing.