Lakeside @ Ridgetop
According to my records, the swimmers below will be missing the meet. You can change your meet attendance status by logging into your Swim Portal by the end of the day on June 4; instructions have been posted. I will update the list on June 5; after that point, please email me if this list is inaccurate. (Note that pre-teamers do not attend the first meet.)
Responding as Unable to Attend
Ellery Ayers
Stephen Cimino
Joseph Cohen
Ella Davis
Kate Farmer
Henry Hanna
Campbell Jebo
Sven Komorowski
Tristan Litzenburg
Hannah Mahan
Alyssa Mason-Roth
Wyatt Oliver
Norah Pascual
Carter Payne
Bjorn Petersson
Per Petersson
Molly Powers
Miles Prusek
Owen Prusek
Parker Shepherd
Betsy Spalding